Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maria McGowan Blog Post

Given the opportunity to spend $100.00 in Halifax Maria McGowan saw fit to spend it on one of my small paintings, this is what ensued.

Thanks Maria for the shout out to local artists and galleries!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A1C Website

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Installation shots from Pareidolia

On the first night in Saint John's, while taking a break from installing, I was able to catch an artist's talk by Craig Francis Power about his residency in Beijing. This turned out to be both entertaining and inspiring. For the rest of my short two day visit to Newfoundland I tried to see as much of beautiful Saint John's as possible on foot, no small feat as it turned out, especially Signal Hill! Many special thanks to A1C board member Clare Asquith Finegan for generously allowing me to stay in her lovely home and gallery coordinator Michael Young for his help with installation and to everyone else who braved a rainy Saint John's night to come out and attend the opening!